Friday, May 2, 2008

A Day in the Life of Reilly

Blink. Blink.

Hey, there's that turtle again. I think if I press his belly he'll play me a song.

Lalalalalala. How come mom and dad haven't come to get ...

Here they are. Haha, they're so goofy.

Pick me up please! Oh wait, I want my blanky to come. Oh wait, I want my monkey to come too.

Ahhhh, milk. Hey, turn on that silly red thing who talks funny and hangs out with the big yellow bird. YAY - sunny days, chasing the clouds away......

Yaya's coming to watch me today. Hooray, she let's me get away with anything I want!!!!

Ohhhh, hey, wait.... where's mommy and daddy going? No, no, I want you to stay and play. Please, here's my sad face. What if I give you a kiss? and a hug?
Whaaa...what's this? My Yaya's here. What was I so upset for again? Oh well, I'll just go dump my blocks everywhere.

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