Thursday, May 1, 2008

Guilty Mom's Who Work Club

As a working mom, or a working mom-to-be, we find ourselves torn between our careers and our children. I know they say you can have it all now, but let's be realistic - you can't! I used to be on the fast-track to success at HSN and now I am stuck in a job, that I love, but none-the-less is completely a DEAD-END position!

A few weeks ago, I actually had a conversation with my boss about the "promotion" they keep promising me, but does not exist. I basically am already doing the job, but am getting no compensation or recognition. He outright asked me if I got promoted would I continue to work after the baby got here or would I stay at home. ILLEGAL anyone????? I was so shocked all I could say was that I would have to reevaluate the situation. I then was going to march straight to HR and file a complaint, but after being with this company for 9 years, I am well aware of the politics here and complaining would only get me "blacklisted."

So now I am stuck because I need to work part-time after the baby gets here and I need to play nice with my boss to make that happen. I am not one to keep my mouth shut when I feel there is a wrong being done, but I have had to for months now and it is slowly killing me! There have been so many times I have wanted to rip into him and tell him what I REALLY think. Maybe I should have gone to law school. I would've been a great trial lawyer.

Even though I don't regret a moment of it, my priorities have shifted from fashion-savvy business woman to a wannabe stay-at-home mom. All I want to do is make sure that my kids get the best care, education, protection and love that I can possibly provide. All of my career goals have just been put on hold. I will finish my novel one of these days, the one that I started back in 2000. I will become my own person again, but for now all that matters are these little bundles of energetic, lovable, trusting, beautiful baby boys of mine.

1 comment:

Debby Mayne said...

Hey, Carrie! You're doing a great job, and your priorities are straight.

When you get a chance, check out my blog with the ice cream named after you.